Rattle Making Ceremony with Mia Luz


Saturday, March 9th, 10am - 5pm

Early Bird Discount when you register before March 1st!

Rattles are the sound of the North in the medicine wheel. Their sound assimilates the rain and is therefore a good cleanser of dense energies stuck in the body, mind, or spaces. They are also used for traveling into other realms, journeying to the North where our ancestors, teachers, and guides live.

In this workshop, Mia Luz, will guide you in crafting a traditional corn-filled Elk-Rattle for ceremony and healing use.


Soup and salad will be served during the lunch break.

Additional Offerings

While our rattles dry, Stefanie Frank will share a cacao song and talking circle.

Forest bathing and sauna will be available, weather permitting.

On Sunday, March 10th we are offering Journeying with Drum & Rattle Workshop with Peter Blum that’s a perfect compliment to Mia’s workshop.

To create a Full Weekend Retreat that’s 10% off, go to the Weekend of Drum & Rattle instead.

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Luxury Co-Ed Dorm Room
Bardo - Semi-Private Room
Indigo - Private Room
Luxury Primary Suite - Private - 2 night Minimum

To create a Full Weekend Retreat, add the Rattle & Drum Journey with Peter Blum.

At Checkout use the code SHAKE to receive 10% off when you attend both!